A Letter From Sean Covey

October 1932 ~ July 2012

A Letter From Sean Covey


President, FranklinCovey Education, Author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and The 4 Disciplines of Execution


On behalf of my extended family and thousands of FranklinCovey associates from around the world, we sincerely thank you for the enormous love and support you’ve shown my father and our company co-founder, Dr. Stephen R. Covey, since his passing in 2012.


While Stephen was with us, he had over a million followers who connected with him through social media and his digital community.  And over the past several years, we have received many requests to continue sharing Stephen’s vast wisdom and teachings through these communities.


In response to these requests, I am pleased to announce that we will continue sharing Stephen’s teachings via his social media channels, namely Twitter and Facebook.  We hope that you will find great value in being part of this and encourage you to invite others to join.


We are forever grateful for your loyalty to Dr. Covey and to the company that bears his name, FranklinCovey.  As an internationally recognized authority on leadership, Stephen dedicated his life to unleashing potential in people and organizations.  He truly believed that there was greatness in everyone and his teachings and legacy continue to impact millions everywhere.  It is our desire to continue to share that legacy with you.


To learn more about Stephen R. Covey’s continuing legacy and work being carried down through education, click here: https://www.leaderinme.org/


To see how Stephen’s legacy continues to impact organizations around the world, click here: https://www.franklincovey.com/the-7-habits.html


Sincerely yours,

Sean Covey

President, FranklinCovey Education

Watch Some of Our Favorite Videos From Stephen

Carry Your Own Weather

Don’t you feel better when the weather outside is great? What if you could carry your own weather within you? When you carry your own weather, you can choose to be consistent regardless of how people treat you. 

Green and Clean

You cannot hold people responsible for results if you supervise their methods. It takes time to set up a win-win agreement, and to reaffirm it. The tendency is to backslide on it when you see mistakes. Keep believing in the people by holding them accountable in the way agreed. 

Nature of Synergy

Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Synergy is everywhere in nature, everywhere around us. You can see it in the way that trees intermingle their root structures, which enables them to be strong and withstand the forces of nature. 

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